Chapter 17
Chapter 17: Qualidia will never surrender! As per usual, my holiday began with breakfast prepared by Dahlia-san. After finishing the meal, I helped her out with the dishes. Following that, Dahlia-san promptly began browsing through her office documents. Her day started off with sorting out missions that arrived from the nearby areas and classifying them by the party ranks and by their completion status. Even though yesterday was a day off for us, the other parties of the guild were still busy with their respective low-rank missions. Therefore, a lot of documents ended up being tossed towards the ‘Completed’ slot by this morning. While doing so, Dahlia-san caught the sight of a certain piece of paper as she made a sudden exclamation. A typical mission order form was usually margined by an unassuming thin white line while this particular order form had a border inlaid with golden foil. Engraved on top of the order form was the crest of the Kushior Kingdom. I have never come a...